[annevolve] Some Tricks with waybak or 4Play.
Mitchell Timin
2006-07-09 17:37:25 UTC
If you have a savedchromes file with good ANNs in it, and you want to
see some details of their behavior, do the following:

set popSize to 21 (one more than the number of chromosomes in
savedchromes), set genLimit and verbose to 1.
Then copy any small file to "showUpdates". 4Play, and waybak, contain a
"file command" facility, allowing the presence of certain file names to
have some effect. (This was done to allow commands during execution, my
creating, deleting or renaming files.) When there is a file called
"showUpdates" present, then the fitness function outputs some additional

I have just uploaded to the SVN repository a slightly revised version of
fitness.c. It will show one additional tidbit of information. Here is
an example, first the waybak.ini file, then the run output:

C:\C\waybak>type waybak.ini
minSteps 3
maxSteps 3
popSize 21
genLimit 1
maxTime 2.5
toDieFrac 0.933171
mutmax 1.551407
mutDecline 0.999918
seed 0
trigger 1.0
neurons 6
maxUpdates 34
mutProb 0.971163
crossProb 0.983983
updatePenalty 0.000223
weightSizeInit 0.866088
stagnant 39
altDeathProb 0
verbose 1

waybak Version 0.1
The waybak.ini file has these values:
minSteps 3.0000
maxSteps 3.0000
popSize 21.0000
genLimit 1.0000
maxTime 2.5000
toDieFrac 0.9332
mutmax 1.5514
mutDecline 0.9999
seed 0.0000
trigger 1.0000
neurons 6.0000
maxUpdates 34.0000
mutProb 0.9712
crossProb 0.9840
updatePenalty 0.0002
weightSizeInit 0.8661
stagnant 39.0000
altDeathProb 0.0000
verbose 1.0000
20 chromosomes imported

Run length: 2.50 min. seed is 1152466447 There are 2 inputs, 6
Population 21 initial population RAM 4536 chromosome size 54

countWeights() says: 54
ANN 0 correct 12 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 1 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 2 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 3 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 4 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 5 correct 22 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 6 correct 22 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 7 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 8 correct 22 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 9 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 10 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 11 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 12 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 49
ANN 13 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 14 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 15 correct 24 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 16 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 17 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 18 correct 23 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 19 correct 20 max 24 ANNupdates 48
ANN 20 correct 21 max 24 ANNupdates 48
best ANN is 1 0 gens since improve wins 0.500 to 0.9996 Histogram:
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 6 0 9
After 0 seconds, gen 1 tested. mutmax is 1.551 highCount 8 in 0
mean 0.938 mode 0.991 rng 0.500 doomed 12

waybak Version 0.1 has just finished execution.

The best ANN had a fitness value of 0.9996 and chromosome size of 54.
The run lasted 0.00 minutes and covered 1 generations.
Some parameter values are:
neurons 6
popSize 21
seed 1152466447
maxTime 2.50
stagnant 39
altDeathProb 0
mutDecline 0.99992
mutProb 0.97116
crossProb 0.9840
trigger 1.0000
mutmax declined from 1.551 to 1.551
toDieFrac changed from 0.933 to 0.933
The best fitness did not change during the run.
I'm proud of http://ANNEvolve.sourceforge.net. If you want to write software, or articles, or do testing or research for ANNEvolve, let me know.

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