Hi All,
It's been a long time that I talked with ANNEvolve....
Its been preety bad for me... well is still bad for me till now...
for past eight months or so... I am really going through various changes in
my career...
presently am in Belgium, kul uni... for making a phd in Computational
but it seems somethings are going wrong and I may not be able to
so am planning to go back to my country by the end of April...
would really like to start with ANNEvolve when things gets settled down back
in India...
And offcourse it's great to see ppl talking here in mailing list....
Post by Dave Harrisping? ping's not here.
I haven't a clue what I'm doing. Drifting from day to day seems to be
paying the bills, so that's the plan for tomorrow.
Best to all,
----- Original Message -----
*Sent:* Sunday, February 25, 2007 5:57 AM
*Subject:* [annevolve] ping
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